Size of the apiary in the greenhouse

Size of the apiary in the greenhouse

The number of bee colonies in the apiary is established on the basis of the maximum need of the economy for bee colonies for pollination of greenhouse crops. To do this, greenhouses in which cross-pollinated crops will be grown and the required number of bee colonies for their pollination will be counted. In addition, we need information about the timing and duration of flowering plants. One bee colony can pollinate plant flowers in a hangarhouse of any size. Most hangar greenhouses have an area of ​​500-600 and 1000 m2, and recently they are building greenhouses of a larger area.

In block greenhouses, plants, reaching the height of the gutters, prevent the penetration of bees into other parts of the greenhouse. For this reason, two bee colonies are put in a three-tiered greenhouse. With more blocks, bee colonies are put through one or more blocks of hooks, so that each family has 1000 m2.

In a block greenhouse with an area of ​​2000 m2, where the gutters did not interfere with the flight of bees to other links, cucumbers, and recently tomatoes were pollinated by one bee family. The differences in the yield on the sites near the hive and in the most remote from them were not.

The size of the apiary can be minimal if necessary. So, if the flowering of cultures takes place at different times, then there is the possibility to reduce the number of bee colonies. Let’s say tomatoes blossomed in winter greenhouses. For their pollination, 30 bee colonies are required. After the flowering of tomatoes, these families can be used for pollination of cucumbers in spring greenhouses. Thanks to such a sliding schedule of flowering of cultures, the need for bee colonies can be significantly reduced.

In addition to bee colonies used in greenhouses, it is necessary to have reserve families. They are used for the forced reinforcement of weakened greenhouse families,

the supply of the latter with perga and honey, as well as for the cultivation and insemination of queens needed to replace old ones in hothouse hives.

In the reserve it is customary to keep the same number of bee colonies as they are in the greenhouses. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that if the reserve apiary is located in the radius of summer of hothouse families, the bees will share the nectar-pollen pasture among themselves. With oversaturation of the area bees will require extra costs for the purchase of sugar and pergi, and most importantly – bees will develop worse and become less resilient. Therefore, with a weak feed base of the farm, which has hangar greenhouses, the size of the reserve apiary should be determined on the basis of the following considerations. On average, from one bee family for the spring-summer season, you can get two fetuses. If annually half of the queens are changed in hothouse families, then on the reserve apiary it is possible to have 4 times less bee colonies than in the greenhouses.

In blockhouse greenhouses, due to the weakening of bee colonies located in the middle links, the families of the extreme links, especially those located in the direction of the honey beetles, are strengthened. At their expense should regularly reinforce the weakened families.

In a small hothouse farm with an inadequate forage base for bees, it would be economically more advantageous to reduce the standard of servicing the families or instruct the beekeeper to do additional work and treat it as an exercise in the order of combining professions.

In the subsidiary farms of factories, factories, mines and other enterprises there are, as a rule, only a few greenhouses. To keep an apiary and have a beekeeper in the staff is inexpedient. In these cases, you can resort to the help of a neighboring apiary or an amateur beekeeper. When renting bees, it is necessary to agree in advance on the possible weakening of bee colonies as a basis for compensation. With a complete loss of bees, their cost is compensated.

Size of the apiary in the greenhouse