How to increase the apiary

How to increase the apiary

It is not difficult to increase the apiary. Every swarm is a new family. Swarms work well and grow, safely winter. The next year they become strong families and can swarm themselves. Of course, not every family should leave swarms. After all, often swarm mediocre families, who collect a little honey. Due to such families, do not increase the apiary. This will reduce productivity and worsen the quality of bees. As you know, all animals are bred only from good breed. So do the beekeepers.

From one family, you can make two yourself, if you divide it in half. Anti-theft detachments are also quite full-fledged young families. True, they again leave the best, the most developed, with prolific uterus. Consequently, the apiary should be increased at the expense of the most good families. Only then it will give a lot of honey.

Prefabricated lead.

A new family can be created in this way. Select from 2 to 3 families of 2 frames with a printed brood and bees, place them in a free hive, shake the bees with it from 2 -3 frames, feed and put the uterus. True, many old bees will return home, but there will remain young, busy with hive works. Day after 3-4 families will come alive. Every day at her tap will be more and more hastily departing and arriving bees. In order to increase such a collection, it is additionally reinforced once more with two printed broods from strong families.

On large apiaries, where they make many such pre-fabricated layers, they are immediately taken to another place, five kilometers from the apiary, so that the pickers could not find their way home. These layers are not weakened and grow rapidly at the expense of brood. By strength and efficiency, they do not lag behind swarms.

Where to get the queen.

Uterus, as well as packages with bees, can be written out of special matkevodnyh nurseries. They are sent by mail in special transit cells along with

10-12 bees that feed the uterus and take care of it on the way. This tiny family is provided with food on the way, and it quite safely reaches the destination. The transfer of the queens is widely used throughout the world. Hundreds of thousands of queens are being moved not only from the south to the north, but also from one country to another.

Beekeepers of many countries write our gray mountain Caucasian bees. We get purebred purebred Italian queens from Italy, krainian – from Austria. Modern beekeeping can not successfully develop without sending queens from breeding nurseries to production apiaries.

However, you can grow the queens in your apiary. Each beekeeper has to engage in mathematics. He must perfectly master this subtle art.

Skyscrapers in the hive.

Bees build sheaves by sheer. The vertical position of the honeycombs turned out to be the most convenient for bees.

First, bee-builders firmly attached, literally welded honeycomb to the ceiling. Then in this place they hang around the bunch and as if begin to pull it down. A higher temperature is created in the bee cluster, which is exactly what is needed to soften the wax plates. The honeycomb is gradually adjusted and lengthened to the desired size.

In the hollows of large trees there are honeycombs of two to three meters in height. Of course, they were not built by bees at once, not even for one year. As required, they lengthened them. Bees like a spacious nest. Tightness depresses them, reduces their efficiency.

In a natural nest, usually 6-8, less often 10 cells. They are placed in parallel, at a strictly defined distance from each other (12.5 mm). The intercellular space serves the bees as streets, through which they freely move inside the nest. Beekeepers call them so – the streets.

Cells are universal in their function. The same cell can serve as a cradle where, starting from the egg laid by the uterus, all the stages of the development of the bee pass, and the deposit of honey or pollen, and the winter shelter of the bees.

Sot is a skyscraper with tens of thousands of one-bedroom apartments. And the more cells in the nest, the easier bees to grow large offspring, place a lot of honey and pollen. The growth of the family and the amount of nectar collected depend on the volume of the nest. Therefore honeycombs are considered to be the gold fund of the apiary. On modern apiaries for each family there are 50-60 and even more honeycombs.

Bees build a lot of honeycombs under certain conditions, and first of all, if in nature there are bribes, even a weak, supporting their activity. Eating fresh nectar and pollen stimulates the activity of the waxing glands. It is not by chance that the first repair work in the nest begins in the spring, when the bees are connected with the flowers.

The first sign of the beginning of waxing is the “whitewash” of the honeycombs. The bees really whiten their nest. Whitewashing is an update of cells, that is, lengthening cells. First, the bees build up cells in the upper part of the honeycomb, where they put fresh honey and seal it with wax lids. Look at such a whitened honeycomb. On both sides of it, updated clean cells. Then the bees repair the damaged sections of the honeycomb. The whole nest is refreshed, renewed. At this time honeycombs are built only with bee cells. Spring honeycombs are the most valuable. Experienced beekeeper tries to take advantage of this favorable period – to replenish and update his honeycomb farm, and therefore, to prepare well for the honey.

When bees begin to grow drones, they will build cells wider. These honeycombs are undesirable, because they contribute to the withdrawal of a very large number of drones. Strong families give a lot of honeycombs in the spring.

With the beginning of flowering of strong honey-plants, from which bees harvested the main stocks of food, even bees-builders are included in the collection of honey and its canning. Their wax is only for sealing cells with honey.

In the bee nest, it seems, there is nothing superfluous, everything is placed in a strictly designated place for this, it is directly laid out on the shelves. At the top, away from the entrance to the dwelling – the tap, in the most reliable, safe and inaccessible to the enemy detachment the bees keep honey – their treasure, the source of life, strength and health. These are the food stores of the family. Under them, where fresh fresh oxygen-rich air freely flows through the leaves, the family grows offspring.

For many thousands of fast-growing larvae, oxygen is very necessary. Under the brood, there are always free, unoccupied honeycombs. This lower, undeveloped part of the nest, which the bees are kept in reserve, plays a very important role. It serves as an elevator where bees fold their crops – brought nectar. Here they dry it, enrich it with enzymes, acids, turn it into honey. If at the end of the day to look into the lower hive shell, you can see that the honeycombs in it are filled with fresh liquid honey – a spray, and by morning they will be free and ready to take nectar again. In the summer, from the stuffiness down, a part of the bees descend. In winter, the unoccupied part of the nest softens the effect of low temperatures, contributes to the removal of carbon dioxide and water vapor, which, being heavier than air, descend.

As we see, bees require a large nest. In natural conditions, bees never settle in small hollows.

How to increase the apiary