How to behave with bees

How to behave with bees

After the family has grown, strengthened, renewed the nest, filled it with brood and fodder, that is, created conditions for its well-being and prosperity, all its concerns are directed towards the creation of a new family.

Many things change in the behavior of bees. They are now building honeycombs not with bee cells, as before, but with drone. These cells are much larger, more spacious. The diameter of the drone cell is about 7 mm, while the bee is 5.3 mm.

The bees and old drone honeycombs are diligently cleaned, polish each cell with propolis, finding them throughout the nest.

Trutnevyh cells in the nest is much smaller than bees. They are usually located at the bottom of the honeycomb, under the bee cells. And this is not accidental. The larva of the drone grows very fast, it needs more than twice as much oxygen as the bee larva. Even the lid of a drone cell with a large number of pores than a bee, and allows more air.

How to behave with bees.

Sometimes they say that bees know their master, they punish the wicked and do not touch the good. This, of course, is not so. If the bee does not touch the owner, but stings a stranger who came to the apiary, it is because the beekeeper knows the nature of the bees and is able to behave with them, and the guest behaves with his behavior, obviously, irritating them. Their defensive reaction is justified. An experienced beekeeper will not touch the bee. The same applies to the good, the calmer, and to the evil, almost always nervous person.

There is an important condition, without observance of which it is impossible to work successfully with bees, – careful handling of them. Look at the experienced beekeeper while working with bees. They sit down on his hands, on his face, if it is not closed, wind around him, and there are absolutely no furious and evil. He works calmly, leisurely, not paying attention to the

bees. It can be seen right away, he knows how to get along with the bee.

Let the bee soar near your face. Do not touch it, do not drive it away, even if it will curl around your nose. Making sure that you are not dangerous for her at all, she will fly away, or even sit on your clothes and begin to clean her antennae, completely forgetting about you.

In the apiary you can walk only in a calm step, even if something needs to be done very urgently. The movement of the hands should be smooth, especially over the nest when it is open.

And even if a bee stings, it’s not a stingy – not a beekeeper, you have to endure the pain persistently, especially since it does not last long. At first, however, it is not possible for everyone. Not immediately you can learn to control yourself, but then, in time, everything will be as it should be. The human body becomes accustomed to bee venom, it develops immunity, the abdominal pain is not so painful, as in the beginning, the tumor does not form.

On people who are often subjected to stinging, the poison produces even a good effect. But if the pain is unbearable, it is necessary to remove the sting, place the sting with an alcohol tincture of calendula or a 10-12% solution of ammonia. A 5 per cent tincture of acetic acid also helps. These funds must be kept in the medicine cabinet on the apiary. To the wound you can attach the milky juice of a dandelion.

Reduces pain and cold water. In the case of an allergic reaction, which happens very rarely, it is necessary to take a tablet of diphenhydramine.

It is very important to be clean, neat, tidy, considerate. Bees do not touch such people.

To avoid stinging in the face, use a special tulle net. It is safe, well visible, cool. In gloves to work with bees is uncomfortable. Beekeepers usually do not use them.

How to behave with bees