How to avoid stinging

How to avoid stinging

The occupation of beekeeping brings pleasure to the owner of the apiary, but his neighbors are not always happy with it. The beekeeper himself must find the way out of the conflict situations that arise. He can ask them not to be around for the time being.

Frequent aimless inspections of families (almost every time with a complete dismantling of the nest), especially in strong winds, rains, in a time-consuming, negligent work (eventually crushed bees) – all this enrages the bees, making work difficult. Sometimes the beekeeper himself is compelled to stop the inspection of the family, somehow covering the hive roof, and hiding in the house.

It is necessary to take into account such a negative role of frequent examinations – the normal work of the family is disrupted, its growth is delayed, it is possible to crush the uterus, etc. To avoid stinging, the beekeeper can put on a special overalls, but then the bees sting in clothes, leaving a sting with poison, the smell of which is a signal of alarm for other inhabitants, and then not only the beekeeper, but also his neighbors will have a hard time.

Being in my apiary, a former beekeeper surprises me every time that I work in light clothes and without a facial mesh. He, they say, always bees bees. It is only necessary to appear at the gate leading to the apiary, as one or two already “meet” him. The only reason for this is the beekeeper himself.

In working with bees, I adhere to long known techniques from beekeeping literature. Strong, without cracks and holes, hives, a spacious nest, standard, easily removable and insertable frames and plug-in boards, neatness at inspection, calmness and patience are conditions that reduce the aggressiveness of bees.

When caring for families, you need special outerwear. If you have a car or a motorcycle and constantly use it, then hands and outer clothing usually

take a persistent smell of gasoline, and other smells (with constant care of animals, alcohol, perfume, garlic, etc.) are possible. The beekeeper may not feel them, but the bee can not be traced. It is better to take a shower before visiting the families, change the outer clothing to a special one, which is used only when working with bees. Well, and not once, wash your hands with soap, rub them with melissa.

No matter how peaceful the bees are, one can not go to the apiary without a kindled smoke. Smoke is the main suppressor of bees. Consequently, fuel is of great importance. Smoke should be thick, non-burning, without sparks. Some beekeepers in smoke fuels add strips of the old pre-polished canvas, burdock root, marsh rosemary. Smoke with an admixture of these additives better affects the bees, while also being a preventive against varroatosis.

There are times when smoke also helps a little. For example, if the family has very little food. After several smoke clubs are allowed into the duct, the bees will not be able to fill the honey cinders with honey and become aggressive. Do not show great peaceableness bees of bezmatalknyh families and families standing in the wind. The bees are shaken off the frames with a sharp movement of hands from top to bottom over the nest, and the remaining ones are swept off with a hair brush.

If you need to pull out of the nest a frame with an open brood or queen cells, then the bees are removed only with a brush. When selecting honey from the sealed honeycomb of store shelves, it is enough to put several smoke clubs on top of the frames and the bees will descend into the nest. If the sugar syrup is given to the family in the impotent period, even late at night, the bees will perceive the feeding as a bribe that has begun, and if the weather is fine, they will actively fly out of the nest in the early morning in search of flowering plants. At such a time, not only during the day, but also in the evening without a tent can not do, and sometimes you have to postpone the examination for a day or two. When in the radius of the summer of your bees there are families of other beekeepers-lovers, a disagreement in the time of inspection and feeding in a time-free period leads to the occurrence of theft of individual families and, of course, to conflicts with beekeepers, and neighbors.

A light portable collapsible tent can greatly assist the beekeeper. Upper half of it is covered with gauze, and the lower part for the fortress is covered with burlap. The tent should have a hinged roof on hinges, doors in one of the walls and a pair of small wheels to facilitate movement around the apiary. In it, families can be inspected and in adverse weather, and in a time-free period throughout the day. When a beekeeper is working in a tent, bees, flying out of the nest, accumulate at the top, worry less, as bees-thieves do not sit next. This allows you to quietly inspect the family, work neatly, less and less often apply smoke. During such an inspection and after it, the bees stealing of other families are completely ruled out. After it, the bees quickly calmed down, do not scatter in the apiary.

If the beekeeper adheres to these rules, he will not irritate his charges, and this is in the hands of both him and his neighbors.

How to avoid stinging