Examination of bee colonies

Examination of bee colonies

When an adult bee or brood is killed in an apiary, infectious and invasive diseases are excluded by research. Sometimes pathogens of these diseases can be established, but their rare occurrence, and only in some bees, obliges to exclude them as the cause of death. At the same time, the main cause of death of bees or brood from an uncontaminated disease is determined, due to a violation of the conditions of feeding, maintenance or breeding.

Most often bees die of starvation and fodder toxicosis. At death from hunger bees are hammered in searches of a forage in empty cells where perish. If there is a suspicion of chemical toxicosis, inquiries are made about where and when poisons were used in the vicinity of the apiary to fight harmful insects. Establish the name of pesticide.

If you suspect poisoning with pesticides, take 400-500 g of dead bees and a piece of honeycomb with perga and 100 g of honey from honeycombs.

Dead bees and honeycombs are placed in polyethylene or heavy paper bags, which indicate the number of the family. Honey is put into vials. The study is conducted in laboratories. If suspected of pademic toxicosis, 80 g of honey, as well as live bees, are taken into the vials. In case of a poisonous and other types of toxicosis, intestines are removed from sick bees and put them separately for each family on clean sheets of paper, noting their color, filling and degree of decay.

Non-contagious diseases are diagnosed taking into account the season of the year, the weather and the nature of their course, the conduct of activities in the vicinity to combat harmful insects, the flowering of poisonous plants and the separation of paddies. Against non-communicable diseases, appropriate measures are carried out by eliminating the causes that caused them.

Examination of bee colonies