Conservation of bees by fodder

Conservation of bees by fodder

The presence of large stocks of feed in the nest developed a complex reflex in bees, aimed at reliably preserving them from the adverse effects of temperature and humidity of the surrounding air and protecting them from numerous enemies and pests.

Cells with ready (mature) honey bees are sealed with thin, air-tight wax lids. Honey has hygroscopic properties. At a relative humidity of 60%, the water content of honey does not change. If the air humidity exceeds 60%, honey absorbs moisture, and at a humidity below 60% it gives up its moisture. The presence of air-impermeable wax lids protects the honey from both liquefaction and excessive condensation, which is especially important in winter, when bees can not regulate the temperature and humidity of air on all honeycomb honeycomb sockets.

Sealed honey does not spread the honey smell, which the bees are very easy to perceive and which can attract bee-thieves.

In warm weather, honey is guarded by a group of guard bees. The number of such bees varies from several individuals to several hundred depending on the danger. Bees always put honey reserves in the most remote place from the tap – at the top and back of the nest. This makes it difficult to steal honey, even a bee-thief, penetrating through the hive into the hive.

To improve the protection of the nest, bees reduce the fall in autumn by closing the part with propolis.

It is also important to choose a place for shelter in shelters (hollow trees), well protected from access by large enemies of bees. In preparation for swarming, a large group of bee-scouts are switching to the choice of suitable housing for the settlement of a new family (swarm). Bees have the ability not only to find, but also to choose the best dwelling from several found. Swarms settle only in hollows that do not have large holes through which a honey lover could enter the nest; always prefer a hollow in a living tree, which they clean from rot and are coated with propolis, which protects the wood from further rotting.

A powerful means of protecting the food reserves is a pity, painfully perceived by large animals and killing small animals. The sting of the bee, after the pity, breaks away from her body and further penetrates deeply into the animal’s skin with spontaneous movements, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the action of the poison. The distressed bee perishes.

Conservation of bees by fodder