Wax moth how to fight it

Wax moth how to fight it

Wax moths (large and small) are dangerous pests of bees. With a severe defeat of the bee nests, the development of families is delayed, the brood death is noted. Moth cells and wax raw materials are significantly damaged in factories and procurement centers. Their larvae, feeding on wax, destroy the honeycomb, making passages in them. There are changes in the brood (tubular, humpback brood, perforation of lids over the printed brood along the course of movement of the caterpillars). When the nests of the moles are severely damaged, a distinct specific smell is felt.

The diagnosis of bee brood infestation with these pests, with the exclusion of other pathogens or disturbances in the content of bees, is set in the conditions of the apiary for the characteristic changes in the brood and for laboratory studies of the isolated wax moth larvae.

When these pests are identified on apiaries, measures are taken to prevent and destroy them in all stages of development. Effective also struggle with ants by means of installation of hives on columns.

To prevent the defeat of honeycomb moths in the apiary contain strong families in compressed renewed nests, maintain the purity of the hives. Do not store the dryness inside the nest of bees. When using scraper pallets, the pallets are cleaned systematically after seven to ten days, the garbage is burned. Annually update on apiaries at least a third of old honeycombs. In places of intensive development of wax moths around each hive make a groove of shallow depth, which is periodically filled with water. Cells are stored in special, well-ventilated rooms, with tightly closed doors and windows, barred mesh, or in separate sealed cabinets (boxes).

The discarded land (old honeycombs over three years of operation) is re-heated to wax or stored, tightly compacted in sealed containers. Vegetables are not subject to long-term storage in apiaries.


hives, rooms with shelves, special cabinets and other devices for storage of honeycombs and wax are periodically subjected to thorough mechanical cleaning and disinfestation.

To control the wax moth, the honeycomb is kept at 49-55 њ C for one hour, frozen at -10 њ C for 1.5 hours (cells with Perga are not subject to fumigation!) Or treated by sealing the PK-4 film with one of the following drugs:

-sulfuric gas, vapors of concentrated (80%) acetic acid (possible disinsection of honeycombs with perga and printed honey), methyl bromide gas according to the current Instruction on disinfection, deactivation, disinfestation and deratization in apiaries;

Concentrated formic acid in a dose of 14 ml per body (0.13 ml) with exposure 3-4 days (ambient temperature 23-28 њ C). The treatment is repeated after 10-12 days;

Paradichlorobenzene (antimol) in a dose of 150 g (tablets of 8 g) per 1 mj volume. The drug is placed between the cells for the entire storage time of the cells;

Thymol in a dose of 0.25 g per a street of bees, an exposure of 5-10 days (according to the instruction for its use);

Carbon dioxide (96-98.5% concentration) at a dose of 7000 g / m2 (with a loading density of 100 nesting honeycombs per 1 m2) at 23-28 њ C and 48 hours exposure.

They work in overalls (robe, rubber gloves, rubberized apron, gas mask, goggles), avoiding contact with the skin, mucous membranes and ingestion. At this time, it is forbidden to eat, drink or smoke. After work, the face and hands should be washed with warm water and soap; dishes and other equipment used during work, rinse with 2% solution of soda.

Cells are used in bee families after intensive ventilation for one or two days (when using paradichlorobenzene, air for at least ten days).

Storage of honeycombs in boxes filled with immortelle, Ledum, Peppermint, prevents penetration of wax moth in them.

Wax moth how to fight it