Harvesting and storage of honey

Harvesting and storage of honey

Natural honey is usually sold in the market in two forms: sealed in a honeycomb or pumped out on a special honey extractor (centrifugal honey).

Freshly pumped honey honey is transparent, with various shades (from light to dark), with a characteristic smell and special taste, a viscous liquid, the physical and chemical properties of which are very different. This is due to the variety of sources of nectar. For example, buckwheat honey – dark color with a strong specific smell, has a very good taste. Donnikovy and akatsievy – light, with a weak flavor, pleasant to taste. Honey, collected by bees from plants from the cabbage family, quickly crystallizes, and from sage – long remains in a liquid form.

The zone and climatic conditions of nectariferous growth, the time of nectar collection, weather and other factors are also important.

When buying centrifugal honey on the market, pay special attention to its consistency. Uncrystallized ripe honey should be clear, viscous and viscous, but not liquid. Raised to a height of 30 cm, it spills out of the spoon, forming strata, wavy layers superimposed one on the other. If you take a ripe honey with a spoon, turning it, it is wound with a tape and runs off uninterrupted threads. Liquid unripe long can not be stored – it will sour and ferment.

Natural honey within one to three months after evacuation crystallizes into a coarse-grained, fine-grained or fat-like mass. This depends both on the origin and on the method of forced crystallization. Buckwheat, kaprejny, heather and honey, for example, during crystallization form an unsteady mass.

Well crystallized honey gradually transforms into a homogeneous solid mass, which indicates its maturity, good quality and naturalness.

How to determine the quality of honey to taste? Natural flower honey should have a specific smell, which depends on the type of nectarones.


taste is sweet, sometimes bitter, tender, pleasant, without foreign tastes and specific sharp smells. Buckwheat honey bitter and tickles in the throat. Honeydew honey – with a bitter or sourish malt flavor.

The poured honey is stored in a glass sterilized container.

For eating, you can prepare and honeycomb. By the way, it is appreciated by consumers much higher than the centrifugal.

According to the method of production honeycomb honey is divided into sectional and frame honey. Sectional honey – a piece of cellular, enclosed in a frame. They can be in the form of square or rectangular tiles, round or other configurations. They are packed in special boxes with a deep bottom, and tightly closed with a lid to protect them from moisture, pollution and rodents.

The honeycomb honey frame is a store or usual nesting frame selected from hives with sealed honey. These frames are packed in empty hives or special boxes, placing them at a distance of 12 mm from each other.

When buying honey honey, it is necessary to pay special attention to the cleanliness of the sealed honeycomb. It should be a homogeneous white or yellow color, translucent, with no dark spots indicating the presence of perga. Dark honeycombs are not suitable for realization. In them brood was brood, therefore at the bottom of cells there are stool larvae. When you use such honey, an unpleasant aftertaste appears in your mouth.

The honeycomb honey must be sealed in cells and not crystallized.

The honeycomb honey frame can be harvested for future use, cut into pieces with at least 50% of the sealed cells. They And are stacked in glass jars with a capacity of up to 1 liter and poured with 2 liquid centrifugal honey (not more than half by volume). When receiving centrifugal honey before pumping, the sealed cells of the honeycombs are opened, that is, they cut the seal with a special beekeeping knife. So it turns out zabrus, that is, cut off from the honeycomb caps, consisting of wax, pollen and secretions of the salivary glands of the bee. When harvesting zabrusa it is placed in a small container with a capacity of up to 5 liters, folding the cut side up, then pour the centrifugal honey and cover with lids.

Store honey in a dry and warm room at a temperature of no higher than 32 њ, without allowing its sharp fluctuations. In damp areas, droplets of water appear on the surface of the honeycombs, the lids crack, their contents dilute and sour. When honey crystals appear in honey, the only way to stop this process is to keep the temperature in a room or special thermostat at 38 њ C for two months.

Prepared centrifugal bee honey in closed containers does not require special storage conditions. It is enough to take it to a cool dry and dark room, in which the air temperature is not higher than 10 њ and the relative humidity is 60-65%. In a good room, a full-fledged mature honey in hermetically ukuporennoy container is stored for several years without any qualitative changes. Keep honey in a poorly closed or open container at room temperature in a humid room can not. This product has hygroscopic properties, that is, it is able to absorb moisture, extraneous odors, while losing its own.

Note to beekeepers.

I recommend beekeepers-amateurs to use the steam sokovarku for the dewatering of wax. No need for any changes, but at will in the lower tank you can mount the boiler from an electric kettle or samovar.

Housewives do not use demand, stand in stores on shelves, and for the dying of wax are excellent.

Harvesting and storage of honey