Feeding bees with honey-pear mixture

Feeding bees with honey pear mixture

Medo-perga mixture is given to bees in the absence of pollen in nature, and in the nests of bees – pergh. In a mixture consisting of 50% perga (or freshly renewed) and 50% honey, water is added to the bees at a rate of 1 kg of a 0.2 liter mixture before dispensing. At the same time the mixture is diluted and it is quickly taken away by bees.

To determine the effectiveness of such feeding, an experiment was conducted at the Ukrainian Experimental Station for Beekeeping, for which families with fetal uteri were formed from young bees (exactly 1 kg of bees for each family). Half the families were not fed, the bees they needed were brought from the field. To stimulate brood, families were fed 0.3 l of 60% sugar solution on days when honey was absent. The second half of the families were given the same amount of sugar syrup on the same days, and in addition, in separate feeding troughs, 60 grams of honey-pear mixture per day. In order not to violate the equality of bees in families, all the grown brood after sealed in cells was selected and transferred to other families.

Experimental families for the whole life of the originally taken bees fed an average of 21 580 larvae on the family and allocated 550 g of wax. Control families during the same period fed an average of 15,080 larvae and isolated 396 g of wax.

In the second experiment, two groups of 10 families were identified. The families of Group I were given honey-pergovaya top dressing daily and in the absence of honey-harvest – 0.6 kg of sugar syrup. Families of group II (control) were not fed. The calculation of the number of brood grown showed that the families of the I group, together with their layers, raised from April 26 to August 28 an average of 202 400 larvae and allocated 3.30 kg of wax. Control families that did not receive supplementary fertilizers, for the same time, raised 116,890 larvae and isolated 0.75

kg of wax.

In the Institute of Apiculture, it was determined that in the body of bees fed with sugar syrup contained 34.5% protein (in relation to the dry mass of the body, without the intestine), in bees from families that received sugar syrup and honey-pergium mixture – 52.0 %.

As a result of the research, it was established that the families receiving the honey-pervasive mixture laid more queen cells and maintained a more even and stable temperature near them than the control ones, which were given only sugar syrup.

The high efficiency of honey-pergardic fertilizing is explained by two factors: with honey-perger feeding, the bees-wet-nurses receive all the substances necessary for brood rearing and wax release (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, mineral salts, vitamins); In addition, they are using more food than taking it (pergus) from the cells.

Bees have a strongly developed instinct of immediate collection of any honey that is outside the cells (spills, flows from crumpled honeycombs, etc.). Honey-pergovy mix is ​​liquid enough to cause the same reaction in bees – the desire to take it and put it in cells. Taking the food, the bees suck in honey cinders a large amount of pollen weighed in honey. But such a bee can then be folded into cells, like pure honey. In honey crabs, pollen always separates from nectar, bees always separate honey and pollen separately. Pollen, taken by a bee with a medotvergovoy mixture, can only go to its food. A reinforced food protein food increases the production of milk for feeding larvae and the allocation of wax.

Addition of table salt to the honey-perga mixture. For the first time, BM Muzalevsky at the Institute of Apiculture conducted an experiment that showed that the effectiveness of the honey-pear mixture increases if added to it table salt (0.8-1 g per 1 kg of the mixture). The families, formed exactly 1 kg of young bees, gave the first two weeks the same food, and they allocated the same amount of wax. But then one family was given a honey-pervasive mixture with the addition of table salt, and the other was left on the same stern. Adding salt, immediately increased the yield of wax. After 9 days, the opposite was done: the first family was no longer given salted food, and the second, the food was added to the saline. As a result, now the second family, which received salted forage, began to give more wax. On average, the addition of table salt increased the wax release by 25%.

At one of the strong points of the Ukrainian Experimental Station of Beekeeping, experiments were conducted to determine the effectiveness of the honey-pearl mixture. With this aim in the fall, in the impotent period (from 29.09 to 19.10), 12 to 0.5 kg of families of young bees were formed. All families were given 600 grams of 60% sugar syrup and 40 grams of honey-pear mixture on a daily basis. To the families of the I group, 0.5% salt was added to the mead-pergola feed, to the families of Group II-1, to the families of Group III-1.5, to the families of Group IV, the salts were not mixed at all. The effectiveness of the honey-pearl mixture increased sharply when 1% of table salt was added to the feed. With a further increase in the amount of salt, the efficiency of the feed decreased and the bees reluctantly took this mixture.

Distribution of honey-pear mixture. Medo-perga mixture looks like a dough. The pieces of this mixture (0.5-0.8 kg each) are flattened in the form of lozenges (2-3 cm thick), which are sometimes placed directly on the upper bars of the frames occupied by the bees. But in this case, individual pieces of the mixture can break away and fall into the streets at the bottom of the hive, where they remain unused. Therefore, it is advisable to wrap cakes from the mixture with medical gauze or put on small (20X30 cm) pieces of metal mesh. In the gauze the bees gnaw holes through which they take food; mixture on the meshes of the bee is taken from below through the holes in the grid and approach it from the sides. In all cases, the flat cake is covered from above with a sheet of cellophane or wax paper to prevent the mixture from drying out quickly. Over the cakes put a canvas and warming pillows.

Pollen, stored in dry form, is kneaded on honey to such a state that the ball of the dough will only slightly blend.

Cakes of 0.5-0.8 kg of bees of strong families are taken for 6-8 days, after which the mixture is given repeatedly until the appearance of pollen in nature.

The second way of distributing the honey-pear mixture is by plastering it into empty cells of honeycombs near the brood or into empty honeycombs, which are immediately placed in the hives next to the extreme frame containing the brood. In this case, the honey-pepper dough is made more liquid by adding honey, sugar syrup or water. The more liquid food bees are quickly taken away. The mixture is blended into a honeycomb with a wide iron spatula.

You can also use special feeders, in which the mixture is given without dismantling the nest. Prepare slats 15-20 mm thick, exactly 25 mm wide and 300-350 mm long. In the middle of the strip make a groove (canaliculus) 10X10 mm in size. If this cavity is closed on both sides, you will get a trough, which can be put in a hive on the upper bar of the frame. Bees from such a trough can take a honey-pear mixture, rising from two neighboring streets.

To give at the same time more mixture, 4-6 slats with troughs are knocked together (from the sides), having previously placed them 12 mm apart from each other. The side strips should have a height of 35-40 mm so that they protrude above the slabs with food. If you put a dosochku on these side plates or a glass that covers the feeder, then there is a free space of 15-20 mm above the food. This is a sufficient distance for easy access of bees to the honey-pear mixture. The feeder in the hive is placed so that its holes are against the streets between the frames, and the bars with troughs lay on the upper bars of the frames. If the holes of the feeder do not coincide with the streets, then it is laid across the frames.

Feeding bees with honey-pear mixture