Feed for winter stock

Feed for winter stock

In September, bee colonies are still preparing food, so now sugar syrup should be fed only for the night, after inspecting the bees in the morning or in the evening. Weak families (layers) should not give much syrup, because, turning it into honey, bees are depleted and may die in the winter. A family of medium strength without harm for itself is capable of processing 5-6 kg of sugar for honey.

In order for the family to store food wherever it will be held for the winter in the club (against the tap), put three light brown honeycombs and on the same day give 3 liters of syrup. The uterus will not lay eggs in these same honeycombs, if the syrup is given several times and the honeycombs are filled with honey.

It is possible to put three honeycombs with honey collected by bees from spring and early melliferous. This is the best food for wintering families. In the nest leave only those frames that settle bees. Free (small-honey) frames are removed from the nest and used in the spring.

Families with young uterus worms last longer, so brood rearing from the second half of September is due to forages of the winter stock. In addition, young bees may not fly around. When autumn is long and warm, you should pay more attention to the amount of honey. In early September, it can be on the family 10-15 kg, and in October – 2-3 kg. This is often observed in families with young uterus, when the autumn is warm.

Feed for winter stock