Collect honey and pollen from buckwheat

Collect honey and pollen from buckwheat

Buckwheat is a herbaceous one-year-old plant of the Greek family. The stem is reddish, branched, leaflets are regular, rifle-shaped – triangular, pink flowers, in the corymbose inflorescences, the grains are sharp, trihedral, with smooth ribs. Cultivate buckwheat throughout the country.

Buckwheat belongs to the best honey plants. Its flower secrete in 0.13 to 0.226 mg of sugar in a nectar, and 1 hectare of crops yields 100-200 kg of honey, depending on the variety and place of cultivation.

The optimal conditions for nectar of buckwheat extraction are the average daily temperature of 19 њ C in the first half of the flowering and 20 – C њ in the other with the precipitation of 140 mm of precipitation. Arid summer and high temperatures are fatal for buckwheat.

The culture can be used as mowing and praztvennuyu, which gives not only an additional grain harvest, but also provides bees with a supported honey harvest for the autumn building up of families. In a day, one flower of the greed buckwheat extracts 0.08-0.110 mg of sugar in nectar, and the honey productivity of 1 hectare of crops is 70-100 kg.

Well distinguishes the nectar of buckwheat in the morning hours, after a warm night, and from 14 hours of nectar, excretion stops.

Buckwheat – entomophilous culture. For pollination of 1 hectare of its crops 2-3 strong bee colonies are necessary.

Buckwheat honey belongs to a group of dark honey, has a dark amber color, a strong smell of buckwheat flowers, a sweet, sharp taste. The content of trace elements, enzymes, amino acids and other compounds is superior to all light honey. Has good healing properties. Holds 30% of glucose, 43% of fructose. The diastolic number is an average of 23.2 Goth units. 1 hectare of buckwheat gives 223-250 kg of pollen.

Collect honey and pollen from buckwheat