Wintering on the will in the huts in the sun loungers in pairs

Wintering on the will in the huts in the sun loungers in pairs

Many consider the climate of the Arkhangelsk region unfavorable for the wintering of bees at will. But a villager, an amateur beekeeper thinks differently. Over the past ten years he had to experience different wintering options. As a result, some experience has accumulated, which he shared.

Insufficiently amplified in the autumn layers are on each apiary. However, because of this, you should not give up wintering at will. Weak families and even nucleuses on two borders hibernate well if they are placed next to strong families behind a thin, blind partition with 3 mm diameter holes drilled in the center. A weak family should have its own tray with a diameter of up to 1.5 cm, located opposite the third frame. Wintering under these conditions is successfully spent little feed, there is almost no daemon, there is no dampness. In the spring, a weak family will become a good helper, and later an independent family.

The beekeeper contains pairs and families of medium strength. For this purpose, he believes, hives are especially convenient. Particular attention is paid to assembling the nests for the winter, because it depends on the good wintering of families, and their rapid development in the spring. It is known that in early spring and autumn bees willingly learn dark honeycombs. If they are not in the middle of the nest, the brood appears much later. Light and light brown honeycombs do not leave in the nests either in the winter or in the early spring, as they do not keep the heat.

The streets between the dark cells are laid by 15 mm wide slats, the rest narrows to 10 mm, which makes it possible to create a denser club. In the northern forests, bees often collect a drop. Therefore, in September, a few liters of sugar syrup are fed to the bees, adding acetic acid (0.5 g per liter). Stocks the feeds, in the following order: in the middle of the nest puts honeycomb with honey at 2-2.5

kg each. In one of them there must be a Perga. For a family with strength of ten streets, the reserve of honey is 20 kg. This amount is sufficient not only for wintering, but also for the early spring development of the family.

When pairs of families are kept in one hive, a dark frame with food is located near the partition on both sides, that is, in the place where the winter club is formed. His observations showed that the upper 1.5 cm diameter can be placed in front of the second-third frame in any direction from the middle of the club and at a height of 4-5 cm from the upper edge of the frame. When pairs of bee colonies are kept, the flasks must be in front of a weak family in front of the third, and in the main – opposite the fifth or sixth frame.

The outcome of the wintering of bees at will largely depends on the degree of insulation of the nests and the physical properties of the insulation. On top of the canvas lays stretches of old cloth, folded in two layers. It’s better if they hang down to the bottom of the hive. At the bottom puts a folded newspaper. In early spring, she can “tell” the beekeeper about many things: honey was sugared, were in a hive of a mouse, etc. It refused moisture absorbing material, because, saturated with water vapor, it becomes a source of moisture, cold and mold.

The apiary, where bees hibernate, is on a small hill. It is not flooded by the spring water and does not blow cold winds. Under the bottom, the beekeeper places bricks or wooden blocks 150-200 mm high. The hives arrange at a distance of ten centimeters from each other in groups of four to six pieces. After that, each site with a group of hives is fenced with roofing felt. To create a gap between the roofing beet and the hives and its tension at the corners of the site, the pins are driven in. The gaps between the roofing beet and the hives, the hives and the earth and the walls of the neighboring hives fill with dry leaves. They serve as a good heat-insulating material, which ensures the stability of the temperature in the nest.

The top of the hive is covered with tar so that it is ventilated through it. The beekeeper believes that the hives from inch boards fully meet the requirements of summer and winter keeping of bees. In order not to penetrate the mouse, the lower tapholes at the end of October are covered with wooden liners, and the upper ones are barred by a metal grid with a 6×6 mm cell. If under the hives and to the tapholes put the leaves of elderberry or blackcover – rodents can not be afraid.

Wintering on the will in the huts in the sun loungers in pairs