Settled in a swarm of swarms

Settled in a swarm of swarms

To catch a swarm is half the battle. Where it is more difficult to remove it neatly and deliver it to the apiary. About how to remove a trap from the tree (this is a barrel of 10-millimeter plywood, equipped with a hive). Now I want to talk about how I transplant a swarm in a hive without aftershocks and shocks.

I carry it so that the bees do not bother when transporting. I land in the same place on the same day.

The hive for the swarm has already been prepared: disinfected, a canvas is placed in it, the upper tray is plugged. Nearby there are all necessary things: tidy smoke, beekeeping chisel, electric flashlight with red glass, overalls, facial mesh.

I bring the trap close to the beehive, I spread the smoke, I let 5 smoke clubs in the duct and close it, and after 2 minutes I repeat the smoke. And so 5 times. After that, I lift the canvas in the trap and let smoke under it, then I remove the canvas (the bees must sit on it) and gently transfer it to the hive. The movements of the hands are smooth, slow, because I do not yet know where the queen bee is and I can injure her by negligence. When all the frames are moved from the trap, I illuminate its bottom and walls with a flashlight, whether there is no uterus.

Then I lift the trap, turn it over the canvas and sharply shake it, trying to pour out all the bees. But usually there are a lot of them on the walls and on the bottom, therefore, holding the trap with the left hand, I hit the bottom several times and sharply with my hand on the bottom and walls. The remaining bees are swept away with a brush. I send them to the hive in the right place with smoke.

Sometimes you have to swing a swarm to a weak family to strengthen it. All the tricks in this case are the same, only I smoke in turns, then into a trap, then into a hive under a canvas. The abundant smoke repels the inherent smell of each family and the unification

is painless. I do not plant small swarms separately, but unite them in the same family. However, always before the hive into which the bees have placed, I put the metal sheet to determine how the swarm merged, do not the “dead” throw out from there?

Bees transplanted into the hive on the “native” framework with brood, never leave it. If a number of good bribes, then immediately after the flight begin to carry nectar and refresh. By 10-11 o’clock in the morning they are assimilated in a new place and begin to work quietly. It’s another matter if the swarm is attached to the family. Here, out of ten swarms, one or two do not get along.

Watching the intractable swarms, I noticed that if there is no flyover of the bees in the morning, we must immediately cut the ice with a piece of the dividing grid. Then the uterus can not go out and the bees will not fly away without it. In a day they begin to carry the update and nectar, but I remove the grate only on the seventh day. The uterus will start seeding, and now there will be a strong certainty that the swarm has taken root.

Remove the trap, without waiting for the return to it of all flying bees, in the evening it is impossible. The remaining insects will come for many days in a light time, and at night gather on the trunk of the tree at the level of the old one in a small club and wait for dawn. It is also important that the swarm is planted. My experience suggests: it should be done in the evening, when it’s dark. Before dawn, the bees will look around in the hive, get used to their new position. A few more tips. Swarms are always little affected by mites, and in the first fall they can not be treated. You can not keep a long-trapped trap – the bees will become stuck and die. Roy – pervak ​​strong bee, and vtorek – a womb. The current swarms must be changed at the end of May or early June next year. The late swarm is now a parasite, the next summer – the breadwinner. It is necessary to keep at least two spare traps: removed swarms from the tree,

Swarms very willingly sit down on specially made “scions”. From the thin planks, put together a box (40×40 cm) with a lid trimmed with a hive from the hive, which the bees were sealed with propolis.

At the corners, attach 4 ropes to the nails, and tie the other ends to one hook. Make a box in the box. Hang such “scions” in the apiary – higher, lower. When the “pryvoi” sits a swarm, it is easy to remove and immediately put in a hive.

To attract the swarm, you can use lemon balm. If the swarm is curling over a tall tree, take the dry land and sprinkle water on top of the melissa, spreading sugar or honey (a tablespoon into a glass).

Add a frame with a sushi to the 4-5-meter pole and place it near the tree with the swarm. In half an hour he will be on the frame and it can be planted in a hive. Melissa with water, slightly sweetened, helps when working with bees and in other cases. Its aroma acts on them soothingly.

Settled in a swarm of swarms