Mothers on the vaccine frame

Mothers on the vaccine frame

If you need to withdraw a lot of queens, use a special inoculum. This is the same nesting frame with two reinforced bars in it. Horizontally located bars divide the frame into 3 equal parts. The width of the bars is 25 mm.

From the plywood or a thin board cut into squares – cartridges the size of 20×20 mm. From the nest of the tribal family they take out the honeycomb with the youngest larvae. Using a sharp heated knife, cut a strip 2-3 cm wide with one row of cells, cut it into squares so that one larva remains intact in the center. From the side of the larva, the cell is shortened with a razor blade, and the other side is glued with molten wax to the cartridge. Charged cartridge hot wax is attached to the bar of the vaccine frame. On each plate 12 cartridges are placed. The truncated cells carefully, without touching the larvae, slightly expand the smoothly polished wooden stick – a template, so that the bees to them immediately reacted like to the queen cells, and, without delay, began feeding the larvae with royal jelly. Usually, bees are taken in care and 15-20 queens are grown.

To create conditions close to natural, mothers give larvae to the uterine growth in specially made wax bowls, which in shape and size do not differ from swarms. They carry the larvae directly to royal jelly, which guarantees the high quality of future queens. For handmade bowls use a wooden stick-rod with a diameter of 8-9 mm with a rounded and polished finish, milk is taken from open swarm queen cells, and the larvae are carefully transferred from the cells with a smooth metal spatula, strictly observing the position in which they were in the cells.

Good uterus can grow only a strong, mature family, in which the swarms showed signs. The hive should have a lot of food, and in nature – sources of nectar and pollen. If at this time there are not enough flowering plants, the family-educator,

while the queen cells are not sealed yet, it is necessary to feed sugar syrup, at least 0.5 liters per day.

Observation of bees.

To monitor the bees in the nest is not so easy. After all, they are all alike and are in constant motion. Therefore, from a huge mass of insects, it is necessary to single out a single object.

Follow at least a bee-wet nurse. There are many such bees on honeycombs with young larvae. Try to catch all the movements that she does when she feeds the larva, how many seconds she spends on it, after what time she feeds another, third larva, how she behaves with other bees, how she feeds herself. You can not lose sight of it, otherwise it will be lost immediately.

Perhaps the most noticeable bees are pollen gatherers and dancers. It is not difficult and interesting to watch them. Try to remember the dance figures, especially since they are repeated by the dancer and the bees that are around her.

Take a closer look at the builders. As if they were frozen in a small bunch, but barely noticeable movements with legs give out the mysteries of building honeycomb.

It is very interesting to watch the uterus as she puts the eggs, carefully examining the cells. Count how many eggs she puts in a minute, after what time she receives the feed, how many bees in the suite and how they treat her, when one retinue disintegrates and another group is grouped.

If queen cells appeared on the honeycomb, it is interesting to observe the feeding of the uterine larvae, compared with the care of bee larvae (according to the frequency of visits). It is possible to notice how the larva grows longer, the larva grows, if one compares its size in a day. Observe the behavior of the bees on the mother liquor, the relation of the uterus to the sealed mothers.

Stop your attention on the drones: how do they behave? Where are they located? How are they treated in the family? Especially a lot of new things can be seen when the bees begin to starve them and push them back to the tap.

Carefully observe the behavior of bees. This will help you correctly and successfully work with them.

Mothers on the vaccine frame