Effective counter-attack

Effective counter attack

Three weeks before the beginning of the main bribe from the linden trees in the Ussuri taiga, most of us had a part of the bee colonies in the swarm state. We did not want to form the layers immediately in front of the honey, and the released swarms can not always be removed from the tall trees that surround the apiary. In many ways, we tried to keep the families from digging: they cut out queen cells, expanded their nests, and put a wax.

However, all these measures only hindered the release of swarms, but did not eliminate the swarming state of the bees. They worked not very actively, poorly built a wax and continued to delay the queen cells. Then I decided to try counter-fighting techniques. At me in five twenty-frame hives-beds the bees were in a swarm state.

At four I continued to cut queen cells when pumping honey, and from one evening shook all the bees into a 12-frame beehive for 11 frames without a honeycomb with a stretched wire. In the center of the nest between the upper bars in the uterine cell was placed the uterus. The outlined frames with brood and honey are marked with chalk and transferred to other hives. After two days, the empty frames were removed, instead of them two honeycombs were placed in the beehive at the edges and ten with a wax in the middle, let out the uterus.

After four days I inspected my family. All ten frames with a wax were built up without drone cells, queen cells and completely covered with honey, and at the extreme limits were sowing and honey. I poured out all the honey, transplanted the bees back to the hive-lounger and returned eight frames with brood and one with perga. As a result, from each of the four hives I received on average 50 kg of honey, and from the fifth – 75 kg and twelve framed frames. In August, out of four hives, in which the queen mothers carved, swarms left, and this family continued to work actively.

Effective counter-attack